What is MAAFIM?
Malaysian Association Of Advancement of Functional & Interdisciplinary Medicine is a national association with the aim to facilitate the advancement of science, research, education and further training, to support best and evidence based medical care and to provide advice on policy in the realm of Interdisciplinary Medicine (the interaction between conventional and complementary medicine based on evidence based results). This includes holding scientific events (annual National Congress for Interdisciplinary Medicine) and conducting dialogue and engagement with professional health care and public health associations and institutions esp. MOH.
MAAFIM hopes to set the standard of practice under various subcommittee in all the areas of Interdisciplinary Medicine.
The work of MAAFIM is altruistic and seeks to be for the benefit of the general public.
Proactive Care
We will work to build a vibrant Interdisciplinary medicine community which is united, recognised, supported, informed and connected through:
~Building and supporting a community of Interdisciplinary medicine practitioners
~Encouraging and fostering a new generation of Interdisciplinary doctors
~Developing standards and guidelines for Interdisciplinary medicine (via various subcommittee)
~Creating an inspiring and positive environment for Interdisciplinary medicine practitioners which fully engages their spirit and talents
~Advocating for the significant evidence and benefits of the Interdisciplinary Medicine approach
~Fostering connections between all Interdisciplinary practitioners and their modalities
~Supporting/MQA accrediting education in Interdisciplinary medicine (up to Masters, PhD & Fellowship)
~Facilitating open and effective communication between Interdisciplinary Medicine doctors and practitioners of other health and wellbeing modalities
~ Promoting good Interdisciplinary medicine practice as platform to be recognised by MOH (through formation of Academy of Interdisciplinary Medicine) as well as promoting IM practice both within the broad medical community and within society as a whole

Pursuit of Vibrant Community
Our Vision
Our Mission
Executive Committee Members
Our Managing Experts at your service